Frequently Asked Questions

At Bull Creek, we understand that you may have some simple questions that you would like answered before attending. We've tried to cover some of the more frequently asked questions, but feel free to reach out to us directly with any further questions or concerns.

  • What is it like? A: Typical service begins with the opening of Sunday School by one of our Associate Pastors. Then everyone goes to their appropriate class. After Sunday School,  Worship Service begins with congregational songs, annoucements, tithes and offerings, prayer, special performances, and then concluding with the sermon, and prayer. This a typical service, but not all services are typical as we do let The Holy Spirit guide our service.


  • What about my kids? A: We currently offer Sunday School classes for all ages in addition to special Youth events that will be posted on our Events page. 


  • Where do I park? A: We have a small parking lot in front of the church, handicap accessible parking beside the church, and a larger overflow lot across the road from the church.


  • What do I wear? A: In short, come as you are. However, we do ask that you refrain from any clothing that may have obscene or inappropriate references or imagery. There isn't a dress code, but we do encourage modesty.


  • How can I get connected? A: Please feel free to reach our to us directly or we would be happy to connect with you personally at your first service.